Mac Portable
It had a bay for a 3.5" half-height drive, and could support up to two Super Drives. Reaction to the Portable was poor.
It was clunky, slow, had no expansion capabilities, and its active matrix screen (later backlit) made it incredibly expensive. Introduced: September 1989
Terminated: October 1991
- Model; M5120
- Sn; F938ZYTM59
- Price = $6,500
- CPU: MC68C000, 16Mhz
- Motherboard RAM: 1 MB
- Maximum RAM: 8 MB
- Number of sockets: 1 -- unique slot
- Minimum speed: 100 ns
- ROM: 256 k
- L1 cache: 0.5 k
- Data path: 16 bit
- Bus speed: 16 Mhz
Ports: - Modem
- SCSI: DB-25
- Serial Ports: 2
- Apple Desktop Bus; 1
- Floppy: 1 or 2 1.4 MB SuperDrives
- Monitor: 1-bit (B&W) active matrix 512x384 (backlit after 2/91)
- Sound Output: stereo 8 bit
- power supply: 7.5 DC